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Scandisk your hard drive to remove errors

Scandisk your hard drive to remove errors (Windows 95) is available here.

Step One: Click on "My Computer" located in the upper left hand corner of your screen.
Step Two: Right click (press the right button on the mouse) on the icon of your hard drive. It is usually drive C:.
Step Three: When you right clicked, a menu of options will appear. Click (with the left button) on "Properties".
Step Four: Click on the "Tools" tab when the properties menu appears.
Step Five: You will be presented with three choices: Error-checking status, backup statis and defragmentation status. Choose "Check Now..." button in the error-checking status window.
Step Six:The ScanDisk application will launch. Click on the "Start" button in the ScanDisk window. Don't get confused and click the Windows 95 Start button!
Step Seven: In a few moments, your computer will be scanned for errors. A progress bar will appear in the ScanDisk window. Please be patient.
Step Eight: If an error is found, the following dialog box will appear. If you are missing any files, or have problems with your PC choose "Convert the lost file fragment(s) into file(s)." If you have no PC problems, choose "Discard lost file fragment(s) and recover disk space." Then click the "OK" button.
Step Nine: When the program is done, a results window will appear. Click the "Close" button.
Source: http://www.ridgenet.org